Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Let’s Go Garage Saling!

Let’s Go Garage Saling!

By Laurie Johnson of Prindle Mountain Primitives

With the prices of gas, groceries, and nearly everything else skyrocketing lately, our family is planning to stay close to home this summer. There are still many ways to have fun this summer right here in our hometown, however. A fun afternoon pastime of ours is scouting out garage sales.

If you’re a primitive lover like me, this is a great place to pick up old rusty bread pans or muffin tins. Fill with coffee beans, rosehips, etc., and nestle votives inside.

Also watch for picture frames that can be painted and distressed to hold stitcheries. A friend of mine likes to pair up an old glass candy dish with an antique wine goblet

To read the rest of this article please download our latest edition by clicking here

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