Scherencshnitte is scissor cutting and was brought to America during the 17th century by Germans who immigrated to Pennsylvania. It is a way of creating intricate paper designs that were originally used for embellishing birth and marriage certificates, valentines and house blessings. The directions here are for what is called poor man's lace because it is made out of newspaper but makes a delightful shelf border.
Scallop craft scissors or pinking shears
Paper clips
Tracing paper
Hole punch
Paper towel
A variety of folk images can be used for the design……houses, trees, hearts, diamond shapes, snowmen ….the variety is as endless as your imagination. You will need to draw the half pattern design( this just means draw a heart and cut it down the middle) on to a piece of cardboard and cut it out
Now measure the shelf you wish to lines depth and width add 3 1/2 inches to the depth measurement. Mark this measurements using your pencil and ruler on the classified pages of a newspaper. Keep the columns vertical this will make it so the scalloped edge border of your lining will be on the white margin of the newspaper. Now test your shape or shapes for fit making sure the paper lies flat on the shelf and the paper edge hangs freely over the edge. Trim as necessary.
Work along the area designated for the overhang. Use the bottom edge of the column as the baseline to keep your design going straight. For each pattern fold the newspaper once along the margin between the columns or along the middle of the column depending on where you want the design to be. Make a crease about 5 inches deep. Place the pattern on the folk and paper clip to secure. Cut along the pattern. For each quarter pattern work only one piece of paper at a time. Fold the paper in half vertically the same as for the half patterns, and then fold the paper again horizontally centering the folk in the overhang area. Position the designs on the newspaper matching the folk. Trace and cut out. Use the hole punch for small circular cutouts. Space the designs 1 or 2 inches apart. Remember this is only newspaper so if you make a mistake its no big deal!
Layer two or more of the cut-paper shelf edging together and cut the scallop edge with craft scalloping scissor or pinking shears.
To get rid of the creases made by folding the newspaper, iron it with an dry iron set on hot setting. Place a paper towel over the newspaper and press the creases for a few seconds.
Remember if you make a mistake this is only newspaper and no great loss but it makes a charming border for an old primitive cabinet or shelf. Other papers such as brown kraft paper, butcher paper and gift wrap can also be used. The motif can be changed with the seasons or to match any décor of a room, the uses are endless.
Debbie owns "Two Old Crows" (
and an eBay store "Two-Old-Crows"\
where she sells her hand painted folk art and
other handcrafted items she makes along with
primitives and vintage collectibles
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I don't know how it is at your house, but around here, on the day after Thanksgiving, the mom's go shopping, and the little ones decend upon Meme's house to make their yearly "surprises" for mom and dad, and help Meme design some great Christmas ornaments.
Since we have baked our ornaments the weekend before, they are all dry and ready to go. Early in the morning they get out my button box, beads, glitter, paint, sealer, glue, and rolls of ribbons and holiday picks. They drag out 5 large plastic storage bins full of Christmas craft supplies. They're treasure chests for the grandkids, and they spend the first hour going through everything, thinking up ideas, trading great finds with each other, and setting up their work space where no one can see what they are doing. The "priceless masterpieces" are about to be started! We decided to share our favorite ornie receipes, and give you some hints on how to make the "GREATEST" ornies ever!
Click here to read more
Since we have baked our ornaments the weekend before, they are all dry and ready to go. Early in the morning they get out my button box, beads, glitter, paint, sealer, glue, and rolls of ribbons and holiday picks. They drag out 5 large plastic storage bins full of Christmas craft supplies. They're treasure chests for the grandkids, and they spend the first hour going through everything, thinking up ideas, trading great finds with each other, and setting up their work space where no one can see what they are doing. The "priceless masterpieces" are about to be started! We decided to share our favorite ornie receipes, and give you some hints on how to make the "GREATEST" ornies ever!
Click here to read more
Craft Projects,
FREE Articles,
FREE Craft Projects,
Coconut Snowmen Recipe
Coconut Snowmen
These are great fun on a winters day and were featured on the cover of Martha Stewarts magazine in December of 2000
Ingredients for 4 snowmen
Half gallon of vanilla ice cream
14 ounces of shredded coconut
1 tablespoon of marzipan and orange food coloring
Shoestring black licorce cut into small pieces for eyes, mouth and buttons
4 large marshmallows
4 chocolate wafer cookies
Confectioner's sugar
Line a baking pan with parchment paper then make three snowballs out of ice cream for each snowman varying in size.....these can be either made with different size scoops or with your on parchment paper and put back into the freezer for approxiamately 15 minutes till firm
Remove ice cream balls from freezer and roll in shredded back in freezer to firm
Add orange food coloring to marzipan until carrot color is achieved and shape into four noses
Add licorce piece for eyes and mouth and for buttons on other two balls of each the three balls together and return to freezer till ready to serve
Click here to read entire recipe
These are great fun on a winters day and were featured on the cover of Martha Stewarts magazine in December of 2000
Ingredients for 4 snowmen
Half gallon of vanilla ice cream
14 ounces of shredded coconut
1 tablespoon of marzipan and orange food coloring
Shoestring black licorce cut into small pieces for eyes, mouth and buttons
4 large marshmallows
4 chocolate wafer cookies
Confectioner's sugar
Line a baking pan with parchment paper then make three snowballs out of ice cream for each snowman varying in size.....these can be either made with different size scoops or with your on parchment paper and put back into the freezer for approxiamately 15 minutes till firm
Remove ice cream balls from freezer and roll in shredded back in freezer to firm
Add orange food coloring to marzipan until carrot color is achieved and shape into four noses
Add licorce piece for eyes and mouth and for buttons on other two balls of each the three balls together and return to freezer till ready to serve
Click here to read entire recipe
January Ads are OPEN and on SALE

Primitive Times Magazine invites you to stop by our website to download your Free copy of our Country, Craft and Primitive Magazine. Full of patterns, graphics, craft ideas and tips, business articles, recipes and so much more!
We offer many affordable ways to advertise your business also! From full color ads in our magazine like the one below:
Or Front Page Button advertising for only $10 a month on sale right now! Stop by and visit us today get your ad placed in our January issue or get your front page button advertising now!
Primitive Times Magazine
Who is on your Christmas shopping list? by MissySue

Who is on your Christmas shopping list? The kids, your spouse, mom and dad.....and I'm sure it goes on and on.
I bet you've forgotten one person, though. The one person that shows you support, guidance and is always there for you; Yourself!
I've never put myself on my Christmas list and to tell the truth a couple months back I would've thought that a little ridiculous. In all my Christmas' past I've never given myself one single thought . I find that odd now, when before I would've found it selfish to even think I deserved a space on that huge list.
Now I value myself, the support I'm trying (sometimes succeeding) to give myself everyday, the love I'm pouring into my work , my desires. The dedication I'm showing in order to achieve my dreams. I'm on that long and hard, but rewarding journey towards self-love.
So, this year while writing my list, in the middle of the page I suddenly remembered that I had been secretly longing to take painting classes for over a year and aching for new supplies for my crafting. For a moment I was surprised and a little ashamed that I would think of myself while I was supposed to be writing down great gifts for friends and family.
Click here to read the rest of the article
Gardening in the Winter by Debbie

Most of us live in places that we are not allowed to garden outside during the winter months, what better way to still enjoy gardening and bringing some life to your home during the winter than to container garden in windows. Houseplants can be a wonderful addition to any décor and give us that lift our spirits need from having some living thing around us, they are much less trouble and easier to take care of than a pet. Here are a few suggestions I have found helpful in raising healthy houseplants.
Click here to read more
FREE Articles,
Small Business Tips,
Making Snowballs... by Paula

I know that there are bunches of patterns being sold for these. But I thought I'd share my way of making them....these are so fun and really easy. Great for throwing in old trenchers after Christmas when you've taken down the decorations and it's still to early for your Spring goodies.
Snowball how-to
12-gauge wire; wire cutters; plastic foam balls in assorted sizes; needle-nose pliers; plaster mix; old spoon; pearlescent white spray paint; white glitter.
Click here to read more
FREE Articles,
Tips and Tricks for Great Stitchings by Niki

I just love to stitch! I’ve been stitching since I was 10 years old when my Grandma B. showed me how.
First off, I always tea stain or coffee stain my fabric. I like the look of a stitching on stained fabric, rather than plain white. Most times I use muslin.
I always back my muslin with batting. I prefer Hobbs, as the Warm N Natural sometimes ‘beards’ and if you are using black thread you can see it come through to the front. I have used Warm N Natural too, though.
Click here to read the rest of the article
FREE Articles,
Monday, December 18, 2006
December Issue is OUT

OUR New issue is up and full of great things! From FREE websets and Graphics, To free patterns, recipes, craft ideas and business articls and so much more!
Stop by today and download your FREE issue and place your ad for our January Issue!
Primitive Times Magazine December Issue
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